Peltodoris lancei
Millen & Bertsch, 2000

Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Dorididae


Baja California, Mexico [East Pacific]


Bahia de los Angeles, Baja California, Mexico, July 1997. Depth: 20 ft.
Photo: Michael D. Miller.

Grows up to 75mm and has a wide overhanging mantle skirt. The mantle is covered in conical papillae stiffened with spicules. The ground colour of the mantle is dark orange-brown to reddish-orange, and the top third of each papilla is whitish, giving the mantle a uniform speckling of white spots over the mantle. The papillae become smaller towards the mantle edge where the background colour changes to a brighter yellowish orange. Some specimens have a few scattered brownish spots. The gills and rhinophores are dusky yellow with lighter yellow tips. The underside of the mantle and the sole of the foot are yellow, while the head and sides of the foot are orange. It is known at present only from a few records from Baja California, Mexico.

• Millen, Sandra V., and Hans Bertsch. (2000) Three new species of dorid nudibranchs from southern California, USA, and the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. The Veliger, 43(4): 354-366.

Authorship details
Rudman, W.B., 2002 (February 9) Peltodoris lancei Millen & Bertsch, 2000. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

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  1. Peltodoris lancei from Baja California
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