Phyllidiopsis annae
Brunckhorst, 1993
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Phyllidiidae
Known from northern Papua New Guinea (Madang) and southern Thailand.
8-10 m depth, Phi Phi Island, southern Thailand, 28 Nov. 1989, dorsal view of 14 mm specimen (Brunckhorst, 1993: Plate 8G).
This species is closest to Phyllidiopsis striata and Phyllidiopsis sphingis. Phyllidiopsis striata also has dorsal ridges but they are white. The mantle margin of P. striata is white (blue in the present species) and its rhinophores are lemon yellow (black in P. annae). Phyllidiopsis annae and P. sphingis both possess blue coloration dorsally. When live specimens of both species are viewed together P. annae is granular blue-grey whereas P. sphingis is iridescent blue. However, more substantial differences are apparent. In P. sphingis, the blue pigmentation is confined to the margins where there are numerous lateral black rays (absent in P. annae) and medially it has irregular, low, white ridges (blue in P. annae) and fewer tubercles. Phyllidiopsis sphingis possesses white coloration whereas P. annae does not. The rhinophores of P. annae are black and have 7-10 lamellae (specimens 10-14 mm) on each rhinophoral clavus. Phyllidiopsis sphingis has pale cream oral tentacles (dark grey in P. annae) and a pale cream to white foot (grey in P. annae).
• Brunckhorst, D.J. (1993) The systematics and phylogeny of Phyllidiid Nudibranchs (Doridoidea). Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement 16: 1-107.
Rudman, W.B., 1999 (August 1) Phyllidiopsis annae Brunckhorst, 1993. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/phylanna
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