Phyllidiella lizae
Brunckhorst, 1993
Suborder: DORIDINA
Family: Phyllidiidae
Known from the tropical western Pacific Ocean.
10 m depth, "Tenements 1", Heron Island Reef, GBR, 26 Nov. 1987, dorsal view of holotype (36 mm) (Brunckhorst, 1993: Plate 7B).
Notes compiled from Brunckhorst, 1993:
P. lizae is recognisable by its pale pink notum with simple, rounded, pale pink tubercles, narrow black lines crossing the dorsum, and black, white and pink rhinophores. Other distinguishing characters are the pale, pinkish white oral tentacles and foot sole.
It appears to have a greater number of lamellae (23-28) to the rhinophoral clavus than Phyllidiella pustulosa (22-26), although their ranges overlap. However, the two species differ considerably in the coloration of the rhinophores, and in their dorsal and ventral background coloration. Phyllidiella granulata has a granular pink-grey dorsum with tall compound white tubercles, fewer lamellae to the rhinophoral clavus, and bright orange digestive gland mass. Phyllidiella rudmani also has a pink background colour to the dorsum, has tall, steep tubercles (low in P. lizae) and two, straight, longitudinal black stripes (irregular, criss-crossing black lines in P. lizae).
• Brunckhorst, D.J. (1993) The systematics and phylogeny of Phyllidiid Nudibranchs (Doridoidea). Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement 16: 1-107.
Rudman, W.B., 1999 (September 12) Phyllidiella lizae Brunckhorst, 1993. [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/phylliza
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