Polybranchia viridis
(Deshayes, 1857)
Family: Caliphyllidae
Caribbean, Pacific coast of Mexico, Canary Ids
Canary Islands, depth 3m, size 15 mm, Gran Canaria Is., divesite "Sardina del Norte", Jan. 18, 2001. Photo: Arthur J. Telle
Polybranchia viridis is characterised by small papillae all over the face of the cerata and the rhinophores.
• Ortea, J.A. (1981) Moluscos Opistobranquios de las Islas Canarias. Primera parte: Ascoglosos. Bol. Inst. Espa. Oceano, 6: 179-199
• Ortea, J.A. & Templado, J. (1990) A new species of the genus Cyerce Bergh, 1871, from the Cape Verde Islands (Opisthobranchia: Ascoglossa). The Veliger, 33(2): 202-205.
• Thompson, T.E. (1988) Eastern Mediterranean Opisthobranchia: Oxynoidae, Polybranchiidae, Stiligeridae (Sacoglossa). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 54: 157-172.
Rudman, W.B., 2001 (March 21) Polybranchia viridis (Deshayes, 1857) . [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/polyviri
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