Siphopteron flavum
(Tokioka & Baba, 1964)
Superfamily: PHILINOIDEA
Family: Gastropteridae
Japan, Guam, Hawaiian Islands.
Kerama Island, near Okinawa, Japan. UPPER: typical colour form. LOWER: possible colour variant. PHOTOS: Atsushi Ono.
See message below.
2-4mm long alive. Bright yellow with microscopic white specks. The siphonal crest is black and the edge of the upper part of the siphon can also be black. The posterior flagellum is black. They swim when disturbed. Gosliner distinguishes it from other species of the genus in having a terminal rather than a lateral flagellum on the posterior visceral hump.
• Baba,K. & Tokioka,T (1965): Two more new species of Gastropteron from Japan, with further notes on G. flavum Tokioka & Baba (Gastropoda : Opisthobranchia). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 12(5), 363-377, Text-figs 1-8, Pl.25.
• Carlson,CH. & Hoff,PJ (1974): The Gastropteridae of Guam. with descriptions of four new species (Opisthobranchia: Cephalaspidea). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 21(5/6), 345-363. (Figs 1-13, Pl.10, figs 1-4.)
• Gosliner,T.M.(1989): Revision of the Gastropteridae (Opisthobranchia: Cephalaspidea) with descriptions of a new genus and six new species. The Veliger 32(4), 333-381.
• Ono, A. (1999) Opisthobranchs of Kerama Islands. Tokyo: TBS-Britannica Co.
• Tokioka,T. & Baba,K (1964): Four new species and a new genus of the family Gastropteridae from Japan (Gastropoda : Opisthobranchia). Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 12(3), 201-229, Text-figs 1-15, Pls 10-13.
Rudman, W.B., 1999 (July 29) Siphopteron flavum (Tokioka & Baba, 1964). [In] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet/siphflav
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