Acanthodoris hudsoni from California
June 6, 2003
From: Clinton Bauder

Hi Bill,
Jim Lyle's photo matches the typical color of the animals of Acanthodoris hudsoni I see here in Monterey [California]. Here is another picture (details of size and depth lost over time...)
I'm pretty sure this is Acanthodoris hudsoni based on the 5 branchial plumes and very long rhinophores.
Bauder, C., 2003 (Jun 6) Acanthodoris hudsoni from California. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Clinton,
I thought I should get some local knowledge as the photo in Dave Behren's book shows a distinctly yellow border and papillae tips, while the photos on the Forum show only the slightest hint of yellow.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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