Costasiella ocellifera in Jamaica

October 7, 2003
From: Ross W. Gundersen

Dear Bill:
Here is another sea slug from Jamaica. As I said in my first message, all specimens were collected from St. Ann's Bay, Jamaica, West Indies. Most specimens were collected using a light weight dredge and photographed by R. Gundersen.

Here is Costasiella ocellifera. Dredged at 5 m depth in Thallassia.

Best wishes,

Gundersen, R.W., 2003 (Oct 7) Costasiella ocellifera in Jamaica. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks Ross,
This is a very distinctive species. I have no hesitation in confirming your identification
Best wishes
Bill Rudman

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