Thecacera pennigera from Woods Hole
November 28, 2003
From: Alan Shepard

Bill -
Following my recent visit, I returned to Woods Hole, Massachusetts to get a better photograph(s) of Thecacera pennigera and to see just how many I could find. I did three dives of about 50 minutes each and came across 40 to 50 separate individuals. The largest was approximately 30mm long (photo attached) while the smallest was about one-half that size. The majority were of the larger size. The easiest way to find them was to find an egg strand (photo attached) and then usually a specimen or two would be close by. Water temperature that day was about 7c. I've notified the local experts and they've found the discovery of interest and may do some investigating on their own.
Best wishes,
Alan Shepard
Tolland, CT, USA
Shepard, A., 2003 (Nov 28) Thecacera pennigera from Woods Hole. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Alan,
It will certainly be interesting to see how long they stay, and whether they return with any regularity.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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