Siphopteron sp. 5 from Lizard Is
January 14, 2004
From: Nils Anthes
Dear Bill,
This message includes 2 pictures of another Siphopteron species. We found it rather abundant in November and December 2003 in algal patches and on sand at Casuarina Beach and Watsons Bay, Lizard Island (Queensland, Australia) ranging from 0.5 to 10m depth. They show a considerable variation in colouration, from purely red to dark brown animals that show various amounts of white and orange spots. All colour-morphs co-occur and mate in mixed pairs in the field, so there is no reason to assume they are different species. Body length 3-5 mm (adults). The very red animals very much resemble Gastropteron sp. 2, only they have a clear ridge in the siphon that is lacking in G. rubrum. Maybe this is just another example of convergence in colour patterns between Siphopteron and Gastropteron (see message about yellow Siphopteron.
Kind regards
Anthes, N., 2004 (Jan 14) Siphopteron sp. 5 from Lizard Is. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Nils
Thanks for another interesting observation. As you may have noticed I am often saying we don't know enough about colour variability in a species so the fact that this species ranges in colour from plain red to brown with white spots will make it even more important to work with large populations before describing new species.
As I asked with your yellow Siphopteron message, if you have any photos showing intermediate colour patterns they would be very welcome. Concerning convergence in colour pattern. For their to be any biological significance both species would need to live together or have lived together when they evolved their similar colour pattern.
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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