Trailing in Risbecia tryoni
August 16, 1999
From: Scott Johnson

Hi Bill,
After reading the comments several months ago on trailing in Risbecia, I decided to dig out some pictures I had of it. Took me only 4 months. I'm getting faster. Attached are three shots of Risbecia tryoni from Kwajalein and Enewetak Atolls in the Marshall Islands. TOP and MIDDLE PHOTO are from Kwajalein; the first is a single individual and the second shows a pair trailing (or queuing, as I usually refer to it). The BOTTOM PHOTO is from Enewetak and shows three trailing. I admit the latter is a shot in a sea table in the lab, but these three were doing the same when collected on a pier piling. You are correct in saying it's not necessarily the largest that leads; I spent some time in Hawaii studying the behavior in Risbecia imperialis. I'll send some pictures of that species separately.
I too always thought the trailing behavior was unique to Risbecia, which is why when a species that exhibited that behavior showed up in Hawaii a few years back, I assumed without ever checking the radula that it was in that genus. In addition to the trailing behavior, size and shape were also very similar to R. tryoni and R. imperialis. However, Terry Gosliner and Rebecca Johnson recently described it as Hypselodoris paulinae, so it appears that trailing may not be restricted to Risbecia after all.
Johnson, S., 1999 (Aug 16) Trailing in Risbecia tryoni. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Scott,
Thanks for the photos - comments and photos are never late. I'll post your other messages, which have just arrived, tomorrow. Aren't these animals amazing? Your observation on 'queuing/trailing' in Hypselodoris paulinae is interesting. Behavioural information like 'queuing' and 'gill wiggling' is hard to gather. I sometimes feel I am sounding like a broken record, but I think the message to keep such information, and let us know, is worth repeating.
Bill Rudman.
PS. I think I'll stick to 'trailing' - every time I type 'queuing' I think I have spelt it wrong.
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