Re: Limenandra nodosa? from Kerama Is
August 19, 1999
From: Atsushi Ono

Dear Bill,
Thank you for your suggestion that this might be a juvenile Limenandra nodosa. A species that I intended to send you a photo next time was Limenandra nodosa!
I have photographed several individuals of L. nodosa (10-15mm long). But I'm afraid I can't see this species as L. nodosa by form and color of its cerata, and the white patch on its nose....
I have enclosed another photo of this small aeolid. It has two big white patches on its back without pink ring. To my regret,I didn't take a photograph of dorsal view of this animal.
I can't write well my idea in English, I'm sorry.
Atsushi Ono
Ono, A., 1999 (Aug 19) Re: Limenandra nodosa? from Kerama Is. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Atsushi,
Your English is a lot better than my Japanese! Thanks for the second photo of this puzzling little aeolid. I'm afraid I thought from your first photo that the cerata were papillate, but now I see that what I thought were retracted papillae are just whitish patches.
My next guess is that it is possibly a species of Eubranchus, or a related genus, but I don't know any species of Eubranchus with papillate rhinophores as in this species. I agree that my suggestion that it was possibly Limenandra nodosa is clearly wrong, but I can't make a better guess without some anatomical information.
Thanks also for the photos of real Limenandra nodosa and possibly a second species of Limenandrawhich I have posted separately.
Best wishes.
Bill Rudman.
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