Re: Elysia cf. timida from the Florida Keys
July 16, 2004
From: Andrej Jaklin

Dear Ann and Bill,
In regards to Anna's message [m12526] even without this DNA-analysis results, I would say that the specimen [message #3410] is a juvenile of "typical" E. timida. But, after seeing a lot of specimens in field, I find hard to believe that the guy in Marina's message [m12257], from the Bahamas, is the same species. The whole appearance is different, a kind of much more texturated skin surface, and rhinophores are not smooth, as I'm used to see on "my animals" here. Again, that's just my feeling and know that without some hard evidence it's not of any significance.
Ann, regarding your kind of proposal for cooperation, I'll be glad to send you some specimen of Adriatic E. timida [see photo attached]. Just let me know how many do you need (not to much, I hope) and how to preserve them. And yes, give me some reasonable time to collect them.
Jaklin, A., 2004 (Jul 16) Re: Elysia cf. timida from the Florida Keys. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Andrej,
Your message has been held up with the Forum problems. However I was talking to Anna a few days ago and I understand she has been in contact with you
Best wishes
Bill Rudman
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