Radula of Chromodoris obsoleta
August 5, 2004
From: Bill Rudman

Here are some photos of the radula of the specimen of Chromodoris obsoleta photographed in a separate message [#12737].
Locality: Suakin, Sudan, Red Sea, 25 April 1980, 17mm long alive. AM C131569. PHOTO: Chris Todd.
The morphology of the radular teeth and the jaw rodlets confirm that it is a species of Chromodoris. The radular formula is 48(+3) x 43. 1. 43, with the central tooth reduced to s small triangular plate. Tooth 1 has 2-3 inner denticles at the base of the long pointed cusp which bears 4 or 5 pointed outer denticles. From Tooth 2 the teeth quickly increase in size so by Tooth 6 the cusp is about twice the length of that of Tooth 1. From Tooth 6 to approximately Tooth 35 the teeth are of similar size with up to seven outer denticles. From Tooth 36 the teeth begin to chnage shape and reduce in size, the outermost teeth being flattened traingular blades with 4-5 small terminal denticles. The bicuspid jaw rodlets are typical of the gemus Chromodoris.
Bill Rudman
Rudman, W.B., 2004 (Aug 5) Radula of Chromodoris obsoleta. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/12734
PHOTOS: A, central region showing remnant central tooth, Tooth 1 on each side, and Tooth 2-6 on right side. B, mid-lateral teet on right side. C, outermost teeth on right side. D, jaw rodlets, showing bicuspid tip. SEM Photos: Geoff Avern.
Rudman, W.B., 2004 (Aug 5). Comment on Radula of Chromodoris obsoleta by Bill Rudman. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/12734Related messages
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