Flabellina from Turkey
January 2, 2005
From: Elif Özgür

Dear Bill
Are all of these specimens in the photos Flabellina affinis or is it too hard to distinguish these species?
They are all from Turkey, Mediterranean Sea. [Photos: Ferda Büyükbaykal]
Elif Özgür
Dear Elif,
Your photos are all of aeolid nudibranchs but they are three different species. Most aeolid species can be identified externally if we can see the colour and shape of the live animal, details of the the rhinophores and shape and arrangement of the cerata, and details of the head and foot. If there is doubt we would need to look at the internal anatomy to be sure, which is a bit beyond what we can do on the Forum. But in most cases, species can be identified from good photos. I would need larger scans than the ones you sent this time. I would also need to have some more information on the location the animal was found. I also need to know, if the photographer is not you, who the photographer is and whether you have permission to send the photo to the Forum.
In this message the upper right photo is probably Flabellina affinis but could be Flabellina ischitana. The lower left photo is probably Cratena peregrina, but it would be useful to see a photo which showed the head more clearly, so that I could see if the orange spots this species usually has on the head are there. The lower right photo is almost certainly Flabellina rubrolineata, which you will see from earlier messages on the Forum is a Red Sea species which has entered the Mediterranean via the Suez Canal.
If you have better scans you would like me to check, could you send each species as a separate message and include more details on where and when the species was photographed
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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