Chromodoris decora from the Red Sea
February 24, 2005
From: Oren Lederman

Hi Bill,
Is this Chromodoris decora?
Locality: Near the "Yetush" ( mosquito) shipwreck, Eilat Bay, Israel, Red Sea, Depth: ~22 meters. Length: ~1 cm. 18 Feb 2005. Photographer: Oren Lederman.
Oren Lederman.
Lederman, O., 2005 (Feb 24) Chromodoris decora from the Red Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Oren,
I think this is a form of Chromodoris decora which has been reported before from the Red Sea. It has small reddish spots on the mantle and fine longitudinal white lines. There are a couple of species from southern Africa which look somewhat similar Hypselodoris carnea and Hypselodoris capensis, but both of those have a blue or purplish mantle border. Have a look at the Chromodoris decora Colour group page to see some of the similarly coloured species. There is always the possibility that it is something else. We would need to examine its anatomy to be sure.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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