Trapania dalva? from St. Croix, Virgin Islands
April 15, 2005
From: Julie Edwards

I've looked through all the books I have to identify this little nudi.
I found it at the end of a dive I took in February, late in the evening at around 20.10. I had stopped at this particular sponge to take some pictures of Aphelodoris antillensis and as I was about to swim away when I noticed a "fleck" that had distinct rhinopores and gills. Since I was cold, tired, and low on air I only took two shots and one isn't in focus. The rhinopores in the image are out of focus. but where feathery and very light yellow or cream.
Locality: Cane Bay, north shore, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands, Caribbean Sea. Depth: 6 meters. Length: approximately a grain of rice, or about 7mm. 27 February 2005. Photographer: Julie Edwards
Thanks for the help in ID!
Julie Edwards
Edwards. J., 2005 (Apr 15) Trapania dalva? from St. Croix, Virgin Islands. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Julie,
This is the animal I have identified previously as Trapania dalva, but if you have a look at the discussion in the attached messages you will see that there is some doubt surrounding that idenitification. Unfortunately no clear colour description was included in the original description of the species and we don't know enough about Caribbean nudibranchs to know just how variable this species is in colour.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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