Noumea flava from the Red Sea
May 24, 2005
From: Oren Lederman

Hi Bill,
Is this a Noumea flava?
Locality: The reservation, Eilat, Israel. Red Sea. Depth: ~25 m. Length: ~1-1.5 cm. 13 May 2005. coral reef. Photographer: Oren Lederman
Oren Lederman
Lederman, O., 2005 (May 24) Noumea flava from the Red Sea. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Oren,
Yes this isNoumea flava. Although there are other small yellow chromodorids [see N. flava group Fact Sheet] , none of them come close to this colour pattern and 'hour glass' shape of the mantle.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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