Parasite? on Phyllidia
October 3, 1999
From: Erwin Koehler

Here are some photos of Phyllidia varicosa from the wreck of the "Liberty", depth 18 m, in Bali, Indonesia, March 1997 (photos by H.-H. Harms).
Do you know what is at its head? A parasite?
Koehler, E., 1999 (Oct 3) Parasite? on Phyllidia. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Erwin,
It is possibly parasite, though I have never seen one remotely resembling this, or it is possibly some internal glands which have burst through the body wall following damage.
You'll note that the head region looks quite abnormal, rough, but without the normal ridges and tubercles. One characteristic feature of Phyllidia are the rhinotubercles, a pair of tubercles found, one behind each rhinophore pocket. These are absent in this specimen. I suspect something has taken a bite out of its head, which has partially grown back. It is possible the white fan-like structure are oral glands, normally found around the posterior part of the pharnyx or buccal bulb, which have burst out through a weakness in the damaged body wall ..... but this is only a guess on my part, if someone else has a more convincing explanation please let us know.
Bill Rudman.
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