Aegires punctilucens- original illustrations
July 12, 2005
From: Bill Rudman

To accompany my discussion [message #14248] on Aegires punctilucens and A. exeches here are two of the original illustrations of A. punctilucens from D'Orbigny (1837: Fig 106, figs 1, 3).
These show the symmetical arrangement of the pustules, which have a flattened tip, and the chracteristic blue or greenish spots, each surrounded by a brownish patch which is outlines with small black spots.
D'Orbigny, A. 1837. Memoire sur des especes et sur des genres nouveaux de l'ordre des nudibranches, observes sur les cotes de France. [Guerin's] Magasin de Zoologie, (7. Class 5): pp. 1-16, pls. 102- 109.
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