Small Yellow Dorid from Monterey, California
September 9, 2005
From: Clinton Bauder

Hi Bill,
Not 100% sure of this one though Onchidoris muricata and Adalaria jannae seem likely candidates. Found this guy crawling on the Amphtrack wrecks off of Lovers Point in Monterey. Size is around 5-7mm at a depth of about 23 meters. The picture was taken by my friend Mike Jimenez.
Locality: off Lovers Point Monterey, California. Depth: 23 meters. Length: 5-7 mm. 8 July 2005. Algae covered wreck on a sandy bottom. Photographer: Mike Jimenez
Bauder, C., 2005 (Sep 9) Small Yellow Dorid from Monterey, California. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Clinton,
This group are quite difficult to separate from external characters. It certainly has much fewer rhinophore lamellae than found in Onchidoris muricata so my suggestion would be your second choice, Adalaria jannae, but I would like an expert ot confirm that.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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