Colour forms of Chromodoris dianae
October 18, 1999
From: D. Behrens & T. Gosliner

Hi Bill:
In your April 8, 1998 message to Lindsey Warren, you commented that you were
uncertain about that the color variants that we described for Chromodoris dianae were all the same species. We still have not been able to find any anatomical differences between them and the colors do seem to intergrade. Attached is a photo taken by Jeff Rosenfeld from Batangas, Philippines, this April. In the photo you can see the two morphs, and that they seem to be more than casually interested in each other. This suggests that they at least think they are the same species.
Dave Behrens & Terry Gosliner
California Academy of Sciences
San Francisco, California
Behrens, D. & Gosliner, T., 1999 (Oct 18) Colour forms of Chromodoris dianae. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Dave & Terry,
Thanks for the photo. I'm glad to see comments and messages are not being forgotten. I'm still amazed at how variable the gill colour is. In most chromodorids it has been a nice consistent character to use. Now we seem to have a species which in Jeff Rosenfeld's photo can either be entirely yellow, whitish with an external yellow line, or in Ho Soon Lin's photo at the top of the page, white with yellow tips. I hope there aren't too many species with such a variability.
Bill Rudman.
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