Cadlina species in Monterey, CA
August 20, 2005
From: Steve Lonhart

The names Cadlina flavomaculata and C. limbaughi did not show up in a search of the website. What have they been changed to?
Locality: Monterey, California, USA. Subtidal, Photographer: Steve Lonhart
Steve Lonhart
Lonhart, S., 2005 (Aug 20) Cadlina species in Monterey, CA. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Steve,
I am afraid that not every species is on the Forum, so an absence just means that I haven't a photo, or haven't had the time to add the missing species. In this case I don't have photos of either of those species of Cadlina. If you have photos you care to share I will be glad to include them on the Forum.
I am pretty sure your animal is Cadlina flavomaculata. With your photo I have prepared a Fact Sheet for the species. Your photo has all the characteristics of Cadlina flavomaculata but it has a yellow border to the mantle which is not mentioned or illustrated in most descriptions of that species. Dave Behrens (1991) has a photo of an animal with a yellow border, so I assume this is variable in the species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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