Nembrotha rosannulata laying eggs
March 3, 2008
From: Leanne & David Atkinson

Dear Bill,
We were thrilled to find lots of Nembrotha rosannulata or Donut Nembrothas at the weekend. There were adults, juveniles and egg rings. They were all on Sigillina cyanea. Brett Murrell even found one laying eggs.We've attached the photos of the egg laying. One photo shows the right side with the eggs coming out. The other photo showed the left side with the tail curling the ring. It was laying them on its food Sigillina cyanea. The water was a crisp 17 degrees celcius. The water was quite surgey as you can see from the gills moving in the photos.
Locality: Little Wreck, Cabbage Tree Island, Port Stephens, NSW Australia. Depth: 14 metres. Length: 100 mm. 03 September 2005
Sandy bottom with large colony of Sigillina cyanea on the edge of an island just ouside the harbour. Photo: Leanne & David Atkinson
Leanne & David Atkinson
Atkinson, L.& D., 2008 (Mar 3) Nembrotha rosannulata laying eggs. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Thanks Leanne & David,
As you can all see from the collection date this message has been waiting a while to be posted. I feel a bit guilty, but as I said before, if I had realised how long we would be waiting I would have posted this message without a name. Any way it is wonderful to be able to anounce a new species and simultaneously show photos of its food and egg ribbon. I wish we could do that with all nudibranchs.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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