Phyllidia mimc from SE Sulawesi
September 28, 2005
From: Fuensanta Candela-Castillo

Dear Dr Rudman,.
A few days ago (19 September 2005) I photographed this specimen in Pinkie's Wall, close to Wakatobi in Southern Sulawesi. The slug was found at about 10 m depth on a coral wall and measured about 3-4 cm. It is clearly a phyllidiid mimic, but I don't think it fits the features of any of the two Aldisa species mentioned in the mimicry page. I was wondering if you could help identifying it.
Thank you in advance.
Fuensanta Candela-Castillo
Brussels, Belgium
Candela-Castillo, 2005 (Sep 28) Phyllidia mimc from SE Sulawesi. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from added 5 March 2007: This species, previously known on the Forum as Discodoris? liturata Bergh, 1905 is now placed in the genus Paradoris.
Dear Fuensanta,
This is another fascinating mimic of the phyllidiids. The bushy gills are a real giveaway though. It is on the Forum as Discodoris? liturata, because at last count the generic position of the species was not definite. I try and keep up with the latest literature but if anyone knows of a recent publication involving this species, could they let me know please.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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