Chromodoris africana - appendage?
November 9, 1999
From: Valda Fraser

Dear Bill
I would like to know if it is common for Chromodoris africana to have an extra bit on its left-hand side, including beauty spot! I have only seen one specimen like this.
Valda Fraser
Fraser, V., 1999 (Nov 9) Chromodoris africana - appendage?. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Valda,
The extra growth on your Chromodoris is unusual, but its surprising how many nudibranchs you can find with 'developmental' faults like this. Sometimes chromodorids are found with their gills sitting underneath the mantle flap, and sometimes you can find nudibranchs with their rhinophores merged.
Here's a photo of a 32mm Glossodoris rufomarginata from Dar es Salaam, with a peculiar cylindrical growth complete with a marginal colour band.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman.
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