Chromodoris magnifica colour form
November 3, 2005
From: Wendy Atkinson

Hi Bill
Saw this Chromodoris magnifica at dive site named "Sea Grass" on the east side of Lembeh Strait, North Sulawesi, Indonesia while diving at KBR in May 2005. Depth approximately 40-60 feet. Found with several other nudibranch species eating sponge on bottom side of large rock formations.
Wendy Atkinson
Atkinson, W., 2005 (Nov 3) Chromodoris magnifica colour form. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Wendy,
Thanks for this. From the shape of the mantle, and the submarginal orange border I am sure this is C. magnifica. I am beginning to wonder whether the extra orange - in this case the whole of the posterior part of the foot, and the median colour band being orange instead of black - is something to do with the orange sponges this species apparently feeds on.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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