Kalinga ornata from New South Wales
November 18, 1999
From: Ann Lawson

Dear Bill,
My grandson found this slug washed up on a sandy beach north of Sydney. Can you help us identify it please?
Ann Lawson
New South Wales.
Dear Ann,
It is Kalinga ornata. This very large nudibranch apparently lives somewhere off shore as most records of it are from animals washed up like this on beaches. It grows to at least 130mm in length. It is related to animals like Plocamopherus imperialis but we know little about its biology. When it is alive the gills are very large, and the red bits down each side are quite long branched papillae.
It has been found throughout the Indo-West Pacific from South Africa to China and Japan. We know nothing about its natural history.
Unfortunately I don't have a good photo of a live animal. Hopefully someone will help us to get one for the Forum.
Bill Rudman.
Rudman, W.B., 1999 (Nov 18). Comment on Kalinga ornata from New South Wales by Ann Lawson. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/1546Related messages
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