Phyllodesmium sp. 11 from Lembeh strait
December 19, 2005
From: Heidi Hösel

Two specimens of this this Xenia-colony mimicking nudibranch have been found in Lembeh strait, North-Sulawesi at the dive site Pantai Parigi at about 6 m depth in between Xenia colonies. The sizes were about 3 cm for the bigger and about 1 cm for the smaller specimen.
It seems that this nudibranch can actively detach at least the upper part of its cerata which in colour and shape very closely mimic contracted Xenia polyps (see upper photo, left of the specimen. I wonder whether this could belong to the genus Phyllodesmium?
Locality: Lembeh strait , Indonesia, North Sulawesi. Depth: about 6 m. Length: ca. 3 cm /1 cm. 26 August 2005. in betweeen Xenia colonies. Photographer: Heidi Hösel
Heidi Hösel
Hoesel, H., 2005 (Dec 19) Phyllodesmium sp. 11 from Lembeh strait. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Note added 17 February 2007: This species has now been named Phyllodesmium rudmani.
Dear Heidi,
Yes this is a species of Phyllodesmium. I suspect it is the one I have on the Forum as Phyllodesmium sp. 11. Although species of Phyllodesmium do break off their cerata as a defensive strategy [see autotomy page] I don't know of a species which just breaks off the tip as you suggest. Is it possible the object to the left of the nusibranch is a small single polyp of Xenia? Colonies of Xenia start as a single small polyp.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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