Flabellina pricei from San Diego
February 22, 2006
From: Mike Neubig

Hi Bill,
In case these photos are indeed Flabellina pricei, I'm sending them for the collection. Except for possible reflection off the sand, the photos are 100% back-lit (2 HIDs). Even the blades of (dead) surf grass (Phyllospadix?) appear via transmitted light (encrusted portions are near-black).
Locality: La Jolla Shores, 16 m, California, USA, Eastern Pacific Oceean, 18 February 2006, sandy bottom. Length: 25 mm. Photographer: Mike Neubig.
Same site within 10 m: Polycera hedgpethi (message #15905 ), Dirona picta, Triopha maculata, and Dendronotus frondosus.
Neubig, M., 2006 (Feb 22) Flabellina pricei from San Diego. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/15906
Dear Mike,
Well I guess I need to prepare a Fact Sheet for this species now that you have sent in these great photos. This is indeed Flabellina pricei (MacFarland, 1966). The white perfoliate rhinophores (shown in the insert)and the distinctive colored cerata are key characters.
This species was dedicated to Professor George Price then Director of the Hopkins Marine Station in Monterey, California.
Your specimens, shown here, were collected at the very southernmost end of this species documented range. To the north it has been reported to Alaska.
Best wishes,
Dave Behrens
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