Palio dubia from Puget Sound, Washington
April 21, 2006
From: Jan Kocian

Hi Bill.
Looking at photo of common Janolus fuscus after dive on my computer screen, I noticed a small slug in the background [see message #16399]. Dave Behrens confirmed it to be Palio dubia and asked me to try collect a specimen. Luck stayed with me, next day as I was zooming in on Diaulula sandiegensis, there was that little dorid feeding on its favored bryozoan food, Bugula nerita [see message #16400].
Locality: Whidbey Island, Puget Sound, 6 feet, Washington USA, Eastern Pacific Ocean, 30 March 2006, harbor seawall. Length: 22 mm. Photographer: Jan Kocian.
Kocian J., 2006 (Apr 21) Palio dubia from Puget Sound, Washington. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Jan,
This is an interesting find and may help to decide whether the west coast and east coast Nth American populations are the same or different from the European populations of this species. For those unfamiliar with bryozoans, which this genus of polycerids feed on, the bushes in Jan's photos are in fact the plant-like colonies of these animals..
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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