Eubranchus tricolor - strange form
April 15, 2006
From: Jim Anderson

Dear Bill,
The animal was ID'd for me by Bernard Picton who commented,
"I've seen individuals with this bare back and extra swollen cerata on Tubularia, I suspect that getting stung by the Tubularia induces this atypical appearance, but I could be wrong and they could be a different species altogether. No way to tell, except DNA I guess."
Locality: Bogha Na Fionn-Aird, Island of Muck, 12 m, Scotland, Atlantic Ocean, 9 April 2006, vertical rocky reef. Length: 15 mm. Photographer: Jim Anderson.
Kind regards,
Jim A
Anderson, J., 2006 (Apr 15) Eubranchus tricolor - strange form. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Jim,
The pericardial region [over the heart] does seem very swollen. Perhaps they have a parasite in their?
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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