Mexichromis from South Africa
March 25, 2000
From: Valda Fraser

Dear Bill
Please identify this nudibranch. The only one that I can find that looks vaguely like it is Chromodoris loringi.
Locality: South Coast KwaZulu-Natal SOUTH AFRICA. Hibberdene - 24m
Date: April/November 1999
Size: 20mm/15mm
I decided to include both photos to illustrate colour variation.
Valda Fraser
Fraser, V., 2000 (Mar 25) Mexichromis from South Africa. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from Valda,
This is a species of Mexichromis which I am at present calling Mexichromis cf. mariei to differentiate the Indian Ocean form from Mexichromis mariei (Crosse, 1872) from the western Pacific. There is a photo of your colour form on the Forum from Red Sea, and I reported specimens from India, some years ago (Rudman,1983).
At present I am not sure how many purple-spotted species of Mexichromis there are. If you get the chance to photograph its eggs or its food sponge it could be very useful. Also any other colour variants could be interesting.
Bill Rudman.
Rudman, W.B., 2000 (Mar 25). Comment on Mexichromis from South Africa by Valda Fraser. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
Mexichromis festiva from South Africa
From: Colin Ogden, April 25, 2008 -
Mexichromis cf. mariei from South Africa
From: Colin Ogden, August 3, 2005