Re: Doto paulinae? from French Mediterranean
May 15, 2006
From: Marina Ossokine

Concerning message #16510:
Dear Bill,
Sorry for this late answer, but I was too busy last days to reply.
I found only 2 specimens of this species and both were on the feather-shaped hydroid visible in photos. As I have already told you, I'm bad in hydroid identification, but the food in question seems to me closer to Aglaophenia than to Obelia.
Also, here is the photo of the second specimen, with autotomised cerata. It fits even better Schmekel & Portmann's drawing than the first one.
Locality: 'La digue', Port-Leucate , 2m, France, Mediterranean, 12 April 2006. Length: 5mm. Photographer: Marina Poddubetskaia Ossokine.
I couldn't tell you more about it, nor explain the food difference.
Best wishes,
Nembro website
Poddubetskaia Ossokine, M., 2006 (May 15) Re: Doto paulinae? from French Mediterranean. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Thanks Marina,
I agree your hydroid doesn't look like Obelia to me, and since you found two animals on this hydroid I guess we can assume they were not there by accident. Since we know so little about these species, linking them to their food can be a useful secondary form of identification. However until we can be sure of its food, this sort of information can be confusing. I think Schmekel & Portmann's feeding record is the only other one, so it's a bit early to say it feeds only on Obelia, or even Obelia at all. Looks like this is another thing to add to your growing 'to do' list.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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