Ancula from NE Pacific
May 29, 2006
From: William Hevener

Attached is a picture of a nudibranch that I have neither seen nor been able to identify via the web or books. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Locality: Langley, 37 feet, WA, USA, Pacific Ocean, 14 May 2006, Tidal, Shore, Sandy Bottom. Length: 14 mm. Photographer: William H. Hevener.
Bill Hevener

Dear Bill,
This is part of the Ancula puzzle. Species from both the northern Pacific have been idnetified as Ancula gibbosa but some with distinct yellow lines, from the nthn Pacific have been distinguished as Ancula pacifica. At present I have them all together on the Ancula gibbosa page. Looking carefully at your photos I can see traces of yellow on the papillae around the edge of the body and on the gills which might suggest a link between the pale translucent white forms and the yellow-lined A. pacifica forms.
Interestingly, your animal is closest in colour to one in Alan Shepard's message [#8883] from the Atlantic coast of Nth America.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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