Triopha maculata from Southern California
June 3, 2006
From: Jim Lyle

Los Angeles area nudiphiles were delighted to learn from Phil Garner that some interesting nudibranchs had been discovered in shallow water near the Cabrillo Beach boat launch. Along with many Melibe leonina, Janolus barbarensis, and Hermissenda crassicornis, were some large Triopha maculata. I must admit, I was startled to find individual T. maculata that were upwards of 15 cm long. The branchs were found on giant kelp leaves, just under the surface of the water.
Locality: Cabrillo Beach boat launch, San Pedro, Surface water, less than one meter, California, USA, Pacific Ocean, 28 May 2006, Next to a boat dock on kelp leaves.. Length: 15 cm. Photographer: Jim Lyle.
Jim Lyle
Lyle, J.L., 2006 (Jun 3) Triopha maculata from Southern California. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Hi Jim,
This is exactly where you will find this color morph of Triopha maculata. They are feeding on arborescent bryozoans (typically Bugula and Crisia) living on the kelp.
It is interesting to note that this color morph is almost never found on any substrate, other than kelp (unless it falls off), and as they get to this size the brownish-orange deepens and the spots become very blue. We have actually documented specimens up to 18 cm. Huge.
You should be finding very large, cream colored egg coils up in the canopy with them. A photo of the would be a nice addition
Dave Behrens
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