Re: Hypselodoris fontandraui from Cannes
June 14, 2006
From: Dominique Horst

Concerning message #16769:
Dear Bill,
as usual, thanks for the time you've spent in replying messages, and thanks for your tips about how to use the Forum.
To answer one of your previous message [#16807 ], I better understand the role of colors and drawings in the identification.
Locality: Cannes, 30 m, France, Mediterranean sea, 15 May 2006, rocks. Length: 80 mm. Photographer: Eric Poisson.
My first idea about the identification of the following specimen was H. picta (picture was taken by a friend of mine). But checking anatomical external details, I'm thinking more about Hypselodoris fontandraui: The blue pigment intensity is in fact different than on previous picture I've sent, but drawings and rhinophores are fitting more with H.fontandraui even if gills are more like H. picta...
Am I right this time...?
Thanks for you patience,
Kind regards,
Dear Dominique,
I think you are right with Hypselodoris fontandraui. Although these 'blue chromodorids' are all very similar in colour, if you are lucky there will a few small fatures which are 'unique' to a particular species. I am by no means an expert on these Mediterranean species but two features which seem to be unique to H. fontandraui are the white patch at the posterior base of the rhinophores, and the yellow patches attached at an angle to the median line on the mantle - which is often repeated on the side of the body. Hypselodoris picta, on the other hand, always seems to have a dark blue or dark purple rhinophore club, with a yellow edge to the rhinophore sheath.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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