Hexabranchus sanguineus from Indonesia
August 7, 2006
From: Kevin Lee

Hi Doc,
You recent message to Molly [#17128], prompted me to look more closely at the Spanish Dancer, which I saw for the first time in Bali, Indonesia a few weeks ago. The juvenile form & color are amazing. I, for one, appreciate the rich archive of data available on SSF. Here are a few photos of the "dancer".
Locality: Ahmed, 35fsw, Bali, Indoneisa, Java Sea, 06 June 2006, Sandy bottom. Length: Approx. 10 inches (all 3 separate individuals). Photographer: Kevin Lee.
All best,

Dear Kevin,
Thanks for these photos. Spanish Dancer is one of the few 'common names' which are truly common names in the sense of being commonly used world-wide - at least by English speakers. Yoir photo alongside of a swimming animal shows just how appropriate this name is.
The yellow animal shows the strange hand-like oral tentacles found in this species, and I am pretty sure I can see a commensal shrimp on the right side of the animal just behind the right rhinophore [left side in photo]. The other close-up shows a much enlarged view of one of these shrimps - Periclimenes imperator - which are found living on a variety of large sea slugs
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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