Armina sp. 7 from East Timor
November 2, 2006
From: Brian Francisco

Hi Bill
These nudibranchs appear to be what you call Armina sp. 7. Armina are common on sandy slopes and rubble bottoms in Timor, but usually we see them eating sea pens. In this case, the two Armina were eating a soft coral, Dendronephthya.
Locality: Tasi Tolu, 14 meters, East Timor, Banda Sea, 2 September 2006, Sandy slope. Length: 6-8 cm. Photographer: Brian Francisco.
UnderWater East Timor
Francisco, B., 2006 (Nov 2) Armina sp. 7 from East Timor. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Brian,
Thanks for this observation. We don't know enough about the biology of the arminids to know whether some species are exclusively feeding on sea pens and others on soft corals such as Dendronepthya.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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