Chromodoris geminus from Thailand
November 23, 2006
From: Asther Lau

Concerning message #1441:
Hello Bill,
After studying the photos I took of this nudibranch, I'm debating whether it is Chromodoris geminus or Chromodoris tritos.
Locality: Bida Nok Rock, Phi Phi Island, Approx. 16 metres, Phuket, Thailand, Andaman Sea, 4th Jan 2006, Wall covered with softcorals & silt.. Length: About 5cm. Photographer: Asther M. Lau.
My camera happened to fog when I found the little crawler. Due to this, I can't be sure it the spots are surrounded by blue color or not. Please help confirm the ID of the nudibranch. Thank you for your kind attention.
Lau, A, 2006 (Nov 23) Chromodoris geminus from Thailand. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Asther,
As you'll see on the C. tritos Fact Sheet, these two species and Chromodoris kuniei, can be separated by mantle colour, and in particular the colour bands around the mantle edge. Your animal with the white, grey, white and yellow bands is clearly C. geminus. It is nice to find yet another species, previously thought restricted to the Western Indian ocean, to occur as far east as Thailand. This fits with the record we have on the Forum of this species from Christmas Island.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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