Platydoris pulchra from Oman
December 21, 2006
From: Jasper Lansink

Hello Bill,
Here is another photo. The orange nudibranch looks like a chromodorid but I could not determine which one. Possibly a color variation. It was laying eggs as you can see on the picture (Doris style?).
Locality: Muscat - Bandar Khairan, 11 meters, Oman, Gulf of Oman, 18 and 21 september 2006, Coral, Sea, No currents. Length: 5 and 3 cm. Photographer: Jasper Lansink.
Can you help me in determining the species?
Thanks very much!!!
Lansink. J., 2006 (Dec 21) Platydoris pulchra from Oman. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Jasper,
This is an interesting find. It is Platydoris pulchra which is only known from a few records, mainly from the eastern Indian Ocean. It's nice to get a good photo of it so I have one for the Fact Sheet. I found it a few times when I lived in Tanzania but my photos of it were terrible. Although the animal is in comtact with the egg ribbon, it is relatively small for the size of the animal. From the position, I don't think it is in the process of laying the eggs so unless you actually saw it laying the eggs I think we will have to say the eggs 'may be' those of this animal rather than just that they 'are'.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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