Dendrodoris guttata from Nth Sulawesi
December 21, 2006
From: Mirjam Broos

During our holiday in North Sulawesi I was really impressed by all the colourful nudibranchs I saw. At home I tried to identify them, but this orange one, I couldn't find. Can you tell me what it is? Unfortunately I don't know at what depth (we dived till 20 meter.I didn't measure the length, but I think it is about 5 cm.
Locality: Dennis Hairball, Lembeh Strait, ?, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Celebes Sea, 08 october 2006, muckdiving. Length: ?. Photographer: Geert Prast.
Mirjam Broos
Broos, M., 2006 (Dec 21) Dendrodoris guttata from Nth Sulawesi. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Dear Mirjam,
This is Dendrodoris guttata. It is more colourful than many species of Dendrodoris. I am not sure if the orange patches in both photos are sponges, but if so it may be the sponge this species feeds on, and may help explain the bright orange colour.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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