Re: Is this a sea slug? It's HUGE!!
December 30, 2006
From: John Sawitskas

Concerning message #1666:
I've been looking at Sea Hares now for over a year and just Love them and seeing as I've never been Inked, I think they seem to like me too. I found this one on 12/3/06 in San Pedro, Ca. just off of Point Fermin. The tide was at a -1.3, This is by far the bestest I've seen, I would have to say 14 inches maybe more it's still balled up a bit, my foot is 12 in. I was wondering if I got lucky on this find or is that a somewhat common size for these?
Locality: San Pedro, 8 in. of sea, California, Pacific, 12/3/06, Found in Sea Grass. Length: 14-16in.. Photographer: John Sawitskas.
John Sawitskas
Sawitskas, J.R., 2006 (Dec 30) Re: Is this a sea slug? It's HUGE!!. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Hi Johnny,
This is the black seahare, Aplysia vaccaria. This species is characterized by a very firm body and that the parapodia are joined behind the exhalent siphon, rather than separated part of the way down the tail, as in the co-occurring species, Aplysia californica.
It is interesting that you mention that you have not been inked yet. Good observation. This is one of the few species along this coastline that does not produce a purple ink when disturbed.
You also mention that it was "huge." Imagine a specimen three times this long or more. I am told that this species is the largest gastropod in the world. Specimens reaching 99 cm and weighing nearly 14 kg, have been observed. Now thats huge.
Best wishes,
Dave Behrens
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