Chromodoris lineolata - feeding record
January 25, 2007
From: Bill Rudman

I have a photo of this group of Chromodoris lineolata in the species Fact Sheet, but have not actually included a message with details.
These are two of a group of adults and juveniles I found in an intertidal pool in Darwin, feeding on a sponge which was identified at the time by Dr John Hooper as Dysidea herbacea. It is now known as Lamellodysidea herbacea. This Chromodoris is one of a very few species of the genus which feed on dysideid sponges. In the upper photo the whole central area has been eaten by the slugs. In the lower photo large 'bite marks' can be seen on the left side of the sponge colony.
Locality: East Point, Darwin, in intertidal pool. Northern Territory, Australia. 29 June 1987. [47, 40, 38, 38, 5, 6 mm long alive]. AM C153614. Photos: Bill Rudman.
Bill Rudman
Rudman, W.B., 2007 (Jan 25) Chromodoris lineolata - feeding record. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from messages
Chromodoris lineolata? from Japan
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Chromodoris lineolata from Hong Kong
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