Philine pruinosa from Nthn Ireland

March 12, 2007
From: Bernard Picton

Concerning message #19088:

Hi Bill, Erling,

Yes, this is Philine pruinosa. The colour pattern with the white edges to the parapodia seems to be distinctive and characteristic and I identified my first one from shell characters and the radula. I've found it in Mulroy Bay on the north coast of Donegal on several occasions and last year Claire Goodwin photographed one on a maerl bed at Red Bay, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland. I'll attach that photo - rear end, so not as beautiful as Erling's. By the way, I can recommend the book by Erling and Frank Emil Moen, Marine fish and invertebrates of northern Europe. Originally it was published in Norwegian, but it is now available in English as well.
It has great photographs of Norwegian marine life, much of which we share here in Britain and Ireland.

Locality: Red Bay, Co Antrim, 20m, N. Ireland, UK, Atlantic Ocean, 16 June 2006, Maerl bed (calcareous seaweed). Length: 8 mm. Photographer: Claire Goodwin.

Bernard Picton

Picton, B. E., 2007 (Mar 12) Philine pruinosa from Nthn Ireland. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from

Thanks  Bernard,
Bill Rudman


Philine pruinosa

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