Jorunna funebris hitch-hiking
April 4, 2007
From: Jim Anderson

Hello again Bill,
Following a recent trip to Raja Ampat, Indonesia I am sending on some images that I trust will be of interest.
This Jorunna appears to be hitching a lift atop a cone shell. I am pretty sure he found his own way up here - there were no dive guides about!
Locality: Kabui Strait, 8 m, Raja Ampat, Indonesia, Dampier Strait, 5 March 07, current swept channel. Length: 20 mm. Photographer: Jim Anderson.
Jim A
Anderson, J., 2007 (Apr 4) Jorunna funebris hitch-hiking. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Thanks Jim,
When I read your message I thought a ride on a Cone Shell could be a bad career move for a slug, especially if the Cone Shell was a mollusc-eater like Conus textile. I am happy to be able to tell you that the snail is not a Cone Shell but a member of the Strombidae, probably a Strombus or Lambis. Their amazing stalked and colourful eyes, with the right one having its own notch in the shell, is characteristic. I have no idea how much they can see- if anything - but you certainly look like you are being watched when they are nearby.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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