Hypselodoris purpureomaculosa from Indonesia
May 10, 2007
From: Mickey Rosenau

I've unsuccessfully search four books and a few hundred images on Sea Slug Forum. Can someone help with identification?
Locality: Waigeo Island, Raja Ampat, 20-40 feet (?), Indonesia, 03 January 2007, Somewhere near the pearl farm. Length: 30 mm (?). Photographer: Mickey Rosenau.
Mickey Rosenau
Dear Mickey,
This is Hypselodoris purpureomaculosa. You will see from other messages on the Forum that the purple spots, which give this species its name, range in colour from red to almost black in different animals. One interesting observation you have recorded in your photo is the pinkish food sponge of this species. It is a dysideid of the genus Euryspongia. We have one earlier record of this species feeding on this sponge so another is a valuable confirmation [message #19243 ]
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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