Taringa caudata from Oman
July 6, 2007
From: Michel Claereboudt

Concerning message #15595:
I observed the same species (I believe) near Muscat in Oman. Which extend considerably the range of the "beast". Although I dive regularly and observe small organisms, I only came across this particular species once. On that day, at that location, they were relatively abundant. Nothing since ....
Locality: Bandar Al-Khayran, 5 m, Oman, Gulf of Oman, 14 feb 2004, on or near coral.. Length: 3.5 cm. Photographer: Michel Claereboudt.
Michel Claereboudt

Dear Michel,
This is certainly Taringa caudata. We have very few records of this species from anywhere so its a valuable new record. From the records we have it seems to be restricted to the western half of the Indian Ocean. Since we know so little about it I have added a couple of close-ups to show the mantle tubercles, the rhinophore and the gills.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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