Akera bullata from Dorset, UK
June 12, 2007
From: Helen C Marshall

Dear Bill
I noticed that you didn't have any pictures of Akera bullata on the sea slug forum (except the picture of an adult swimming). Please find attached three pictures of A. bullata gathered from Langton Hive Point, the Fleet, Dorset, UK in June 2003. These are supposed to be var. nana, as reported by Thompson & Seaward (1989), although I'm not 100% convinced as they grew to a fair size in my aquarium at Swansea University and they produced ink when fed Chondrus.
It was 25 mm long alive.
Thompson, T. E. and Seaward, D. R. (1989) Ecology and taxonomic status of the aplysiomorph Akera bullata in the British Isles. Journal of Molluscan Studies 55: 489-496 .
Dr Helen C Marshall
Institute of Biological Sciences
University of Wales Aberystwyth
Dear Helen,
Thanks for these very welcome photos. Apart from D.P.Wilson's photos in Thompson (1976) of swimming animals I don't think I have seen photos of them crawling like this. Although externally they look nothing like a sea hare, their anatomy [see Fact Sheet] shows their close relationship. Their large external, thinly calcified shell, like those in many cephalasideans and sacoglossans, suggests that all these opisthobranch groups arose from ancestors in which the calcified external shell of a snail was gradually lost as they evolved into 'slugs'.
I am very interested to hear that it will eat the red alga Chondrus as I can find no information on its diet. Thompson & Seaward (1989) observed that in summer Akera fed on rafts of the green alga Enteromorpha and during the remainder of the year the brown gritty faeces suggested they fed directly on the sediment. Certainly aplysiids tend to prefer red algae and are facultatively 'de-inked' if they have no red algae in their diet. I would be interested to hear of any other information you have on its diet, because we have no information on the Indo-West Pacific species A. soluta.
Thompson, T. E. (1976) Biology of opisthobranch molluscs. London, Ray Society no. 151. 1-207.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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