Cuthona cf. caerulea from Florida
July 25, 2007
From: Linda Ianniello

Dr. Bill, here are images of two more Cuthona cf. caerulea from our area. Just for you, one of the images shows feeding behavior.
Locality: Lake Worth Lagoon, 10 feet, Florida, USA, Atlantic Ocean, 8 July 2007, Intertidal. Photographer: Linda Ianniello.
Linda I.
Ianniello, L.M., 2007 (Jul 25) Cuthona cf. caerulea from Florida. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from
Thanks Linda,
I see it is again on some sort of stinging hydroid - perhaps Aglaophenia? Without knowing something of its anatomy I can't be sure, but as I said in answer to your earlier message [#16637] it certainly looks different in colour and ceratal arrangement from Cuthona caerulea. I see in Caribbean Sea Slugs it is identified as C. caerulea and it is on the same species of hydroid as your animals. Usually aeolids that feed on stinging hydroids like Aglaophenia are specialist feeders, eating only stinging hydroids. From the literature I can see no reports of true C. caerulea from Europe feeding on such hydroids.
It would be interesting to compare the anatomy of 'true' C. caerulea with your species.
Best wishes,
Bill Rudman
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Cuthona cf. caerulea from Florida, USA
From: Linda Ianniello, May 18, 2006