Radula of Hong Kong Philine orientalis
August 10, 1998
From: Bill Rudman
Here are some radular photos to compare with the species from California. The major difference in the radular teeth is the presence of the fan-like compound denticles in these animals from Hong Kong. They were also reported by Morton & Chiu, but as my material was from their samples, I don't know whether these compound denticles are characteristic of the species or whether pollution or some other factor has produced aberrant teeth in this population.
UPPER: Whole radula.
MIDDLE: some teeth from the left side, showing denticles along the edge of each tooth. Note compound denticles in the midsection.
LOWER: magnified view of compound denticles.
PHOTOS: Alison Miller.
Rudman, W.B., 1998 (Aug 10). Comment on Radula of Hong Kong Philine orientalis by Bill Rudman. [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. Available from http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/203Related messages
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